
Showing posts from June, 2020

Daging Salai Masak Lemak

THE BENEFIT OF SMOKE D  BEEF – MASAK LEMAK DAGING SALAI What is smoked beef? Smoked beef is  refer  to the process of cooking protein by using smoke from the burn woody item such as coconut shell, charcoal or any kind of plant materials that could give the best aroma to the meat that we choose. This process also help ing  to intensify the flavor into the meat. Did smoked beef give the benefit to human health? -  Smoked food especially meaty item need to be consumed in a moderation. The reason why is, they are  contain  high percent of fat while the smoke meat are prepared, which the fat can lead high cholesterol to human body. The fats used in the preparation of smoked beef is saturated, where it is not good for human body necessary and can risk to the heart diseases and obesity. For  example  of smoked beef such as sausage or in Malay cuisine they used smoked beef in  Masak   Lemak   Daging   Salai  that famous in  Negeri  Sembilan , one of the state in Malaysia. -  Other example of s

Gulai Ikan Patin Tempoyak!

Hi Assalamualaikum! Welcome to my blog😊 Today we will share about one of the best dish in Malaysia. What is the dish?! Stay tuned!  Ok for this story we divide into 3 part. Menu and recipe,method and history. For my part i will share the recipe of this dish.  The dish is!!! Gulai Ikan Patin Tempoyak.  This dish is popular around Pahang. The famous Ikan Patin is at Temerloh Pahang. This is traditional dish that have been introduced a long time ago.  Ikan Patin also a famous fish at Pahang river so we can easily find it anywhere at Pahang.  Ikan patin has different type. Sometimes they are selling Ikan Patin from the pond but the best taste of Ikan Patin is from ther river flow. In Malaysia , speacis of Ikan Patin is  Pangasius hypophthalmuss ,  P. Nasutus (patin buah),  P. micronemus  (patin juara) dan  Helicophagus waandersii (patin muncung). While, speacies Ikan Patin that can grow mega size is  Pangasionodon gigas (Mekong giant catfish atau patin Mekong).  But not every people in Ma